Javascript Playground

My fun little project for playing around with real-time editing of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Think JSFiddle, but way simpler.
Javascript Playground

The idea came from tools like JSFiddle, but I wanted something simpler and more focused, just for messing around. It’s built with TypeScript, Vue 3, CodeMirror, and TailwindCSS, which made it super fun to put together.

✨ What makes it cool?

  • You can play with code and see the results live.
  • It’s lightweight and easy to throw into any small project.
  • Built with modern tools, so it’s snappy and clean.

It’s not a polished product, just a playground for fellow code enthusiasts to experiment and have fun!

Github View on Github

Play around with it! The component is right below — you can resize the panels, and changes are applied with a 1-second debounce to keep things smooth.

Clear console